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I believe a funeral should be the evidence of love.

I make it a joy.

…I will educate you, enlighten you, demystify the funeral industry, and inform you, so you know just some of the MANY, MANY options that ARE open to you when you or your loved one dies.
You have made such a thoughtful and kind decision to come here. You are taking action on a subject that, in the past, is only ever talked about at the point of need, or in fact after the point of need.
By you coming here today, you are being proactive.
You are being positive, and you are being so very helpful to your loved ones, and hopefully yourself too.

By coming here, you are relieving some of the pressure. You are acknowledging that human beings are mortal. That we all do die.

You are also acknowledging that living well and dying well matters. You are embracing choice. You are exploring and sharing your wonderings and findings. You are in-fact empowering your self and others by being here.

Here is a forum for you to explore some of the questions that you may come across when dying, when planning a funeral, when having to work out what it is you, or they want and believe.

Hi, I’m Helen

It is an honour to be here to help you tell the story of your loved one, or yourself.

I am a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a neighbour and I know I am someone special to someone. So are you. What we don’t know is really what we will become to them when we are gone. We won’t know their grief and can not hold their hand as they deal with loss.


This will support them in making informed choices for you. It will ease their dependency of you. You will have lightened the load. You will have taken out the stress of guess work.

SWAN SONG will make this better.

This is Swan Song

My Aim

To ensure everyone here feels safe to feel what ever they need to.

This is why this is a video platform

Talking about death, exploring the subject of dying, is not really the ‘done’ thing. There are a few books, there are a couple of podcasts, and there are some brilliant grief counsellors out there. BUT SWAN SONG is about exploring all this BEFORE the point of NEED.

You can pop in, listen, watch and head off. No need to follow up, no obligation to do anything. I do video’s so that you can hear my tone. I know all this comes from a good place. I know I want to serve. I know I am authentic, and I know I am devoted to supporting and serving. Through the media of video, you can see my body language. You can see my expressions, you can hear my tone. You can take what you need from it.
I have done this for you, and your loved one.

This is to give you a sense of hope for you and your loved one. To relive the sense of dread, fear or anger that you might have when thinking about death, dying, loss, grief and bereavement.

Remember this

Make the last thing – the right thing.

If you are making funeral preparations for your own expected death, I shall guide you through your thoughts and ideas, your worries and your wonderings, and perhaps you engage me, and we go as far as creating your bespoke SWAN SONG. You shall have every confidence in it, relieving the stress and worry of those you leave behind.

I have experience with Dignitas clients. I shall work with you in this delicate choice should this be relevant.

You do have control in how you say goodbye.

THIS IS YOUR SWAN SONG… I’ll help you sing it.

Thank you for being here


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Meet Helen


some previous venues


Helen was excellent. I’m so glad we trusted her with my nans funeral. She just got it spot on. With her caring nature and confidence in her job I just knew she was the right celebrant for us and we were in safe hands. Family members have been saying how wonderful she was and how it was nice to have our nans personality come through in the service.
Thank you Helen x
I cannot imagine anyone more perfect or lovelier than Helen to guide us through what could so easily have been a very sad and depressing day, and yet which she helped transform into such a happy day, with her lovely smile, lightness of spirit, humour, grace and warmth. It was quite the most beautiful and personal ceremony I have ever attended, bar none.
I just had to contact you to say that you conducted the most beautiful celebration of life I have ever been to. The tears are misting my eyes as I’m typing this message. The mark of a good vicar/priest/celebrant is whether they make you feel you have known the person for years, and you did that in spades. You captured the very essence of my lovely friend.

Helen Noble | Surrey Celebrant


Surrey, UK

Phone Number

07787 530720

Business Hours

By Arrangement

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Do you need some help?

Here you have my years of experience as a mourner, as a singer, as a ceremony witness for well over 100 funerals, as the UK BEST funeral celebrant 2021.
I will educate you, enlighten you, demystify the funeral industry, and inform you, so you know just some of the MANY, MANY options that ARE open to you when you or your loved one dies.
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